Friday, June 20, 2014

World Sickle Cell Day - Tosyn Bucknor is Thankful as She Talks About Life With Sickle Cell

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"It's World Sickle Day and it's a day I can say I am thankful. Thankful for a dad that would miss work to take me to the hospital, a mum that would know I was ill before even I knew it and a sister that was the easiest and the best to live with.

Thankful for the years I spent full of self-pity (why me o Lord), and the depression, because without battling that, how else would I recognize it in others and help?

 Thankful for the turn around. I can never fully explain it, but between writing poems, stories and thoughts down, I found a breakthrough. And even though it is uncool to talk about God, I can't deny that I had a personal encounter that changed my life.